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  • Writer's pictureAnon

So true; im sure aspects will register with your predicament - Narcisstic Abuse and Divorce

Updated: Oct 28, 2020

I must say all of the aspects this mans ordeal rang so true... although his acceptance of her back at the end is defeating (what quality of life will both and his kids have? what parental roles will the kids learn from this long term?) and we can see in this dialogue that she became the alpha and he became the beta in entirety. Where in a healthy relationship there should be give and take... where the alpha and beta exchange roles based on the conditions and matters at the time.

My ex became completely unbalanced.. would kill her self at the gym/running and come home and be sick all night... much of my nights while raising a business would involve her retching in the toilet where i would need to use a mattress in my office and sleep for a few hours because i was so exhausted.... then when she wasn't at the gym would rage out at me; it was a tough existence... but i hung in there like the man in the podcast thinking that things would change.

The kids and i had enough of discussing "wad" buckets and accomplishment in tossing medicine balls... my girl cousins (whilst having coffees with my ex) being called "pussies" because they didn't participate in the militarized raging nature that her persona at the time was in pursuit of.

My ex also became fascinated with the criminal justice system and at one time wanted to become a jail guard... her job involved collections and i could see she got a high by telling people they were in financial trough.... i couldnt understand this.

The image - standards can be changed - make your new standard positive and forward focused.

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